I’m so glad you’re here! I’m excited to share my wisdom with you. 

I know you’re probably curious, so here’s a little bit about me and my journey. 

I hope that my words of wisdom will help make your own journey deeper and sweeter.


I’ve always had mystical inclinations. As a child I was drawn to mythology, fairy tales, poetry, and metaphor. In college I studied a combined major: Religion, Art, and Psychology, in which I explored the intersection of the sacred that permeates all three disciplines. I was an avid reader of Carl Jung and resonated deeply with his work on symbols and the collective unconscious.

I have studied energy healing, imagery work, and sound healing. I learned to access the Akashic Records, which contain the energetic soul vibration of all beings throughout time. The Akashic Records offer a sacred space, with guidance that brings a deep, broad, and loving perspective. 

I ran a business as a solo practitioner for several years, offering Akashic Records sessions. Although I loved that work, I have recently retired from my business. My current focus has shifted towards sharing my wisdom through my writing, which is sometimes combined with insights from my conversations with the Akashic Records.

I describe myself as a “symbologist” because I enjoy uncovering, discovering, and unwinding the multi-dimensional meaning in images, feelings, symbols, and metaphors.

I have always been drawn to the feminine aspects of the Divine. I feel a calling to dive into the images, myths, goddesses, and women’s stories that allow me to connect more deeply with the Sacred Feminine in myself and the world.

As I enter my elder years I am learning to embrace myself as a Crone. A crone is the wise elder aspect of the Sacred Feminine. To be a crone is to claim my own power, to sit upon my throne in the fullness of myself.

As a crone, I have let go of perfection in order to embrace my wholeness. With a recent move to live near my grandchildren, part of my crone experience is enjoying my deepening vocation as “Granny Suzanne”. 

I pay attention to the wisdom of my dreams, practice Yoga Nidra (deep rest) and like to linger in liminal spaces. My creative activities include singing, Old-Time music, weaving, cooking, song-writing and poetry. I enjoy walks in nature and looking for messages from the nature beings. I am grounded, playful, and curious about everything!